One Call Now’s Safety Net Program Customers Across the Nation
WIC Texting for Retention Program
NWA Talks Presentation – Text Messaging to Improve Show Rates

How to use text messaging to increase show rates and improve client retention
Text Messaging to Improve Show Rates & Increase Client Retention
From NWA Talks 2018 click to view and download the popular slide show presentation.
By: One Call Now/DigiConnect
NWA Talks Presentation 2018
How to use text messaging to improve show rates & client retention
WIC agencies agree that texting is the most practical and effective method to reach WIC participants. Good client engagement can be a tremendous tool for improving show rates and helping moms see the value of WIC after their child turns one. However agencies implementing texting programs often have questions and confusion regarding areas such as legal requirements, content, frequency, and whether to utilize additional means of communication. This slide show addresses what has been most effective for WIC in the real world and will discuss important considerations when implementing a text service.
Presented by:
Kim Gustafson One Call Now/DigiConnect
17 years experience managing thousands of WIC outreach and reminder projects.
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